Tummy Tucks Info

Here's some tummy tuck information to know. 
  1. The best candidate for a tummy tuck is a male or female in good health. A pre-op physical is usually required and can be carried out by your primary care physician.
  2. In preparation for surgery, certain medications and/or supplements may need to be temporarily discontinued. If you smoke, you should stop at least ten days prior to and following the procedure to minimize the risk of complications.
  3. Abdominoplasty targets stomach fat and will not take away deposits in other areas (although a tummy tuck can be combined with other procedures in some situations).
  4. Not everyone undergoing abdominoplasty will have the same degree of fat and skin removal. In fact, some individuals are candidates for a mini-tummy tuck because the excess fat and skin is below the belly button.
  5. Abdominoplasty is not covered by medical insurance when used for cosmetic purposes.
  6. Tummy tuck surgery is performed in a surgical facility. Some people require an overnight stay, but many go home after a few hours. If you do go home, it is very important to rest for the remainder of the day. The following day you should get up and walk a bit to encourage adequate blood flow.
  7. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common occurrences following abdominoplasty and will typically go away with time. Severe symptoms should be reported. NOTE: Be sure to follow doctor recommendations. Individuals realize improved scar healing and a faster recovery.
  8. You may be able to return to work in a week or so following surgery. Most activities can usually be resumed within three to six weeks. Still, time frames are subject to the type of work you do, the extent of the surgery, and how quickly your body heals.
  9. The cost of abdominoplasty varies from person to person and is mostly determined by the complexity of the surgery: financing is available.
  10. Tummy tuck benefits are long-lasting! Keep in mind, nonetheless, considerable weight fluctuation might compromise the effects.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, the even more skin as well as fatty cells to be removed, the longer time you'll be in surgery and this relates to better expense. The total cost of a Tummy Tuck furthermore depends upon a choice of elements like the age of the client, their weight and the state of their wellness.

    Tummy Tuck Philippines
